So cute
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Monday, September 12, 2005
Friendly closure
My second Icelandic visitor was Sigurborg Anna Hjalmarsdottir (my Ex), we split up over a month ago, and in helping with the reconciliation, closing the relationship, she came over to finish things properly. I have had a good 4 and half years with this crazy thing ;-), and am genuinely happy to have been out with her. We had fives days of relaxing, partying and chatting. We were both sad to say goodbye, because who knows when we will see each other again. But I am glad that we have remained friends, not for any hope of reconciliation because I am passed that, but just to ends things well and to be a good friend to her. Thanks Bogga!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Science museum musings
Occasionally there is a working-class mentality that it is wrong, rude, or non-British to blow your own trumpet. Today I am going to break this rule by referring to an article which was recently published in "The Independent".
The essence of the article is guide to the degree of Civil Engineering and the stars of this subject in the

Monday, September 05, 2005
Another new Jones!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Waiting for Kim
I am sat in the waiting area of Coventry's Walsgrave hospital. It is 15.15 and Kim, my sister, is due to give birth in about an hour. I am tired after staying up until 0500 with Andri and Kolla, however this pales into insignificance compared to Kim's 12 hour labour stint.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Andri and Kolla visiting
Wanting to use mobile technology and wanting to report my latest visitors has led me to post this report from camden. Live from my mobile out an about around some old haunts.
Friday, September 02, 2005
Last day in work for a while
A wise man with a “elongated dorphal appendage” said to me today w.r.t. my new found state of singledom:
“A flying dove is a beautiful thing to watch soaring to ever higher heights, however if you tie two doves together, they fly no-where.”
Perhaps it was just because they were his words, or perhaps they connected within, however they were pleasing to hear.