Friday, March 31, 2006

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Karl and Jo's wedding

Karl and Jo, what a fantastic wedding. I really enjoyed it even
though I was bunged up with an American cold, Man Flu, Fake Flu, or
whatever you want to call it.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

rich makes a cup of tea

Yes it is unbelieveably true rich actually made a cup of tea today!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Eating at Zorbas

Audrey suggested eating in Greek town in Denver, as soon as she suggested it I knew it was a good idea, given my background knowledge in all things Greek. At the rather originally titled Chef Zorbas, we ate Domades, Pita with SatSiki (this is here to see if Johnno is reading the blog), then Lamb Kababos (their spelling). Very enjoyable although not quite as good as Lemonia in Primrose Hill. All in all a good night out for my last in Denver - until next time that is. Posted by Picasa

Afterwards we enjoyed cheescake at The Cheesecake Factory, and as part of my "Angel" face routine with the parents, took the Allison family a lime cheescake home as thanks for their hospitality.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Country Music at The Grizzly Rose

I am back in Denver for the week before my return trip home. Last night Audrey and I went to a hot country music venue in Denver called the grizzly rose. Full of proper cowboys, country dancing, live music, a mechanical bull and a shop that sold real Stetson hats.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Great Aunt in Boulder

By sheer coincidence my Great Aunty Josie was in Colorado, Boulder at the same time I was there. A great night was enjoyed by everyone in my company and we drank / ate at some fine establishements in Boulder; namely the St Julien's Hotel, and The Brasserie. I could throughly reccomend them both. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 13, 2006

What is Gene like?

Here is Paul's encomium for myself.

Last day in Rossland

Well this is my last day in Rossland / Red mountain. Audrey is over to visit, and is shown below under instruction from the expert snowboard instructor (that's me by the way). Don't let the sunny day and blue sky fool you it was still -12oC.